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31 December 2008   Comments Off on Vote for the Best Relationship of 2008

Now being a “shipper” is a very serious thing. I mean, as your characters fall in love, you do too. 2008 was full of great television relationships. We had to narrow it down to a lucky 20 for BuddyTV users to choose from.

Any shipper fanatic knows their “ship” inside and out. I, for one, will always be a LoVe shipper. That is – Logan and Veronica of Veronica Mars. 2008 saw the development of new ships, the crumble of others, and the long lasting tension of our older ships. Overall, it’s been a great year for most shippers.

The competition will be fierce as there are a lot of fans out there. When we did our “Which One Tree Hill Couple is Best” showdown, Brook and Lucas pulled out the win from underneath Leyton and Naley fans. MiSa (Michael and Sara from Prison Break) fans have been known to be a powerful force.

Then there are the sleepers – the couples that might come from out of nowhere. Ned and Chuck from Pushing Daisies are probably the best star-crossed lovers of the bunch (and I know some other Pushing Daisies fans might disagree). We threw in Spencer and Ashley from a tiny tween show called South of Nowhere simply to give the list some diversity (although we resisted any Degrassi couples).

Not to be biased, but my personal favorite would have to be Robin and Barney from How I Met Your Mother. I’m a huge fan of unrequited-yet-not-so-unrequited-because-they-are-perfect-for-one-another love. Especially because we’re supposed to care who the main character Ted ends up with and I couldn’t care less as long as Robin and Barney get their happy ending.

But, the decision is not up to me. It’s up to you guys. So, go at it. Vote away! May the best couple win!

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